What is salary range of BAMS doctor
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Answers (2)
hello aspirant,
The median annual package for an BAMS doctor is around 35, 000/- per month, and also with an at least 4 years of experience one can earn around 50k and above package, and it also depends on the experience and skills of the person.
hope you understood,
thank you
The median annual package for an BAMS doctor is around 35, 000/- per month, and also with an at least 4 years of experience one can earn around 50k and above package, and it also depends on the experience and skills of the person.
hope you understood,
thank you
1 Comment
The salary for range for the BAMS doctor in the case of starting you can expect the 25,000/- to 30,000/- per month where as you established a clinical setup you can earn 10-15 lakhs per annum these all depends on the experience and infrastructure and also demand
Good luck
The salary for range for the BAMS doctor in the case of starting you can expect the 25,000/- to 30,000/- per month where as you established a clinical setup you can earn 10-15 lakhs per annum these all depends on the experience and infrastructure and also demand
Good luck
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