What is scope of B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Being one of the core branches of Engineering and also the toughest, opportunities for EEE are constantly expanding. Also, it has the best of both electronics and Electrical, which increases the scope twice as much.
Now, EEE mainly focuses on designing, and developing new technologies or innovations or enhancing the old ones. Be it private or government institutes, from manufacturing, telecommunications to the IT industry, there are plenty of opportunities for EE Engineers.
Electrical and Electronics Engineers can also step into R&D or pursue teaching jobs after completing their doctorate. Besides, they can also work in electric power plants. Be it in India or abroad, Electrical and Electronics Engineers have whooping job opportunities.
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I hope this helps!
Thank you!
Dear student,
Electrical and Electronics Engineering is an evergreen branch today, the best thing about it is it opens lot of paths and you can choose any to excel in your. Today it is not only limited to applications of electricity and electronics but this vast career option gives you options to work in the field of digital systems, computer, control systems, robotics and so on.
But if you are thinking what is the posts or sector which is purely based on Electrical Engineering then it is field of electronics, telecommunication, computers & control systems and Bio-Medical.
To have more detailed information about this course, you can go through the link below.
To know about the best colleges which offer this course, you can visit our webpage by clicking on the link below.
I hope this information helps you.
All the very best!!