What is the actual procedure od SRM counselling? (1) First they will give me seat (2) then I have to pay to confirm my seat. ?
Hi Arihant,
You will have to register first, select their options in online mode, and pay the registration and part tuition fee of first semester.
Candidates have to pay a fee of Rs. 2,10,000 (includes Rs 10,000 as registration fee and part of first year tuition fee) through E-Pay facility (via applicant login account) or through Demand Draft (DD) drawn in favour of “SRMIST” payable at Chennai before coming to the notified counselling venue.
After fee payment, you will have to personally visit the notified venue and get your documents verified.
For detailed information, regarding Counselling procedure of SRMJEEE you can refer to the link below-
Hope this helps. Good Luck!