What is the campus area of MGMMC indore and GMC bhopal
Dear Shivam ,
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore is located at AB Rd, CRP Line, Indore in Madhya Pradesh. Indore Junction is around 3 km away from MGMC Indore. ATC, Indore Airport is around 11 km away and AICTSL City Bus Depot is around 1 km away from Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore .Gandhi Medical College boasts of a good modern infrastructure for its students and faculty. There are a total of 8 hostels (3 for girls and 5 for boys). The total number of rooms in two girls’ hostels is 176 which can accommodate 252 girls. Similarly, the number of rooms in four boys’ hostels is 275 with an admitting capacity of 450 boys. A total of 4 lecture theatres each with a capacity of 180 students and is equipped with modern teaching equipment and technology. Three examination hall having a capacity of 250 seats. Common rooms for both boys and girls with a capacity of 50 people each. The library is within the college building and has all the latest editions of books and journals for both UG and PG students. The facility of E-learning is also available The auditorium has a capacity of 900 students and is equipped with audio and visual facilities.
Hope it will helpful