What is the course fees structure for CAT coaching in IMS Guwahati?
You will get in between 15k- 37k as it varies fee to their course program.
And it is one of the best recommend cat coaching centre in Assam is IMS Guwahati where you will get the reliable study materials, mock tests and a team of mentors who are having experience of teaching 10,000- 15,000 students since ages. Most of the students are known to this centre because of their good results. Along with CAT they will give preparation for other MBA exams.
Hope my answer is helpful. All the best for your CAT 2021 preparation.
Its affordable, they also have the installment procedure. And as far as faculty and facilities like test series and study materials are concerned IMS Guwahati is one of the best institute for cat & other mba entrance coaching across Assam.
Hi Manash,
IMS Guwahati is the oldest coaching centre in Assam with a team of mentors who are alumni premier of institutes IIM Ahmedabad, IIT Bombay, XLRI Jamshedpur etc. They are always ready to help you and will guide you in every step before you take. One of the top most coaching centre in Northeast for MBA preparations like cat, mat, snap, xat, cmat, tiss, iift, nmat etc. which is basically located in Guwahati having best study materials, mock tests, gd/ pi sessions. So I would say that it will be your best option if you go for IMS Guwahati for preparing CAT and other MBA Entrance exams. For fees structure you can contact them directly at 9854033545.
And All The Best !!
The fee of IMS Guwahati varies for various courses. You can visit once if your staying in Guwahati. And I would recommend this coaching centre which is one of the best institute for MBA Prep. in Northeast. Faculties are very helpful & experienced and are from the pioneer institutes of India. They are well versed with the subjects. Mock tests for CAT, MAT are at per level with the actual test. Study material is very helpful. The faculties help the students to make the exam oriented strategies. The institute even keep us notified with all the updates of colleges as well as exams. If its MBA its IMS. The best place for learning.
I really dont have any idea about the fees structure, but I can ensure you that IMS Guwahati is one of the best coaching centre in guwahati where you will get loads of achievers through mba entrance exam preparation like cat, mat, cmat, xat, snap, tiss, iift etc. Mentors who are alumni premier of institutes like IIM-A, XLRI Jamshedpur, IIT- Bombay with best study materials, mock tests, gd/ pi/ wat classes. For admission you can contact them at 9854033545
Hello!!!! If you are looking for the cat coaching in guwahati then i will recommed you to join ims guwahati it is the best coaching institute for cat, mat, xat, snap and other top mba colleges entrance exams. faculties of ims guwahati are very experienced they helped you to clear every doubts. the course fees varies from different to different courses if you want to know more then contact ims at 9864057575/9854033545, or visit the centre.
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