What is the cutoff for food Tech
Hi aspirant,
B.Sc. Nourishment Technology or Bachelor of Science in Food Technology is an undergrad Food Technology course. Nourishment Technology is the use of nourishment science to the choice, safeguarding, handling, bundling, dispersion, and utilization of sheltered, nutritious, and healthy nourishment.
Any individual who has effectively finished their 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics with at least half checks is qualified to seek after this course. The course is of 4 years span course isolated into 8 semesters, for example 2 semesters for each year.
Nourishment Technology. Applicants trying for admission to the course are required to satisfy the accompanying least qualification criteria. 10+2 instruction finished in the Science stream, from a perceived instructive Board. Science, Mathematics, Physics, Biology/Home Science as the fundamental subjects at the 10+2 level.
Anna University will decide the TNEA 2018 cutoff for every one of the competitors taking an interest in the affirmation technique during directing. The cutoff of TNEA 2018 is the base imprints required for affirmation in the taking an interest establishments and the designing courses offered by them. The opening imprints for Food Technology is 90.75 and shutting imprints are 193.5.
Good luck