What is the date for Maharashtra HSC board result 2019?
Answer (1)
The date for the release of Maharashtra HSC board examination result 2019 has not been confirmed yet. But as a general practice, Maharashtra Board releases the HSC or Class 12 results before the Maharashtra SSC Results. HSC Results are usually released in the last week of May and SSC Results by first week or second week of June. In 2018, Maharashtra HSC Result was released on May 30, 2018 and Maharashtra SSC Result 2018 was released on June 8, 2018. This year, the results are expected sooner. The results would be released online on the official website
Good luck!
The date for the release of Maharashtra HSC board examination result 2019 has not been confirmed yet. But as a general practice, Maharashtra Board releases the HSC or Class 12 results before the Maharashtra SSC Results. HSC Results are usually released in the last week of May and SSC Results by first week or second week of June. In 2018, Maharashtra HSC Result was released on May 30, 2018 and Maharashtra SSC Result 2018 was released on June 8, 2018. This year, the results are expected sooner. The results would be released online on the official website
Good luck!

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