What is the detailed syllabus for HITSEEE 2019?
HITSEEE consists of 120 questions and has to answered in 2 hours. Questions are from 11 and 12 std. Paper consists of following subjects
1. Physics
2. Chemistry
3. Mathematics
Each subject comprises of 40 marks each
1. Electrostatic
2. Current Electricity
3. Magnetic Effects of Electric Current and Magnetism
4. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
5. Optics
6. Electromagnetic Waves and Wave Optics
7. Atomic and Nuclear Matter
8. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
9. Semiconductor Devices and their Applications
1. Atomic structure
2. Coordinaion chemistry and solid state chemistry
3. thermodynamics
4. chemical equilibrum and chemical kinetics
5. electrochemistry
6. isomerism in organic compounds
7. alcohols and ethers
8. carbonyl compounds
9. carboxylic acids and their derivatives
10. organic nitrogen compounds
11. biomolecules
1. Applications of matrices and determinants
2. complex numbers
3. analytical geometry of two dimensions
4. vector albebra
5. analytical geometry of three dimensions
6. differential calculus
7. integral calculus and its applications
8. differential equations
9. probability distribution
10. discrete mathematics.
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