What is the detailed syllabus of NCHM JEE 2021?
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NCHM JEE will be conducted in online mode for a duration of 3 hours which in Hindi/English with 200 MCQs from the following sections with their prescribed syllabus:
Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude has 30 questions from
Fractions and Decimals,Time and distance,Elementary Mathematics,Chain Rule,Clocks & Calendar
Arithmetic (number theory),Ratio and Proportion,Number systems,Work and wage,Compound Interest,Square Roots,Speed,Cube Roots,Simplification,Simple Interest,Profit and Loss,Unitary Method,Areas and volumes, Logarithms, Age,Average,Variation,H.C.F. and L.C.M., Percentage
Reasoning and Logical Deduction has 30 questions from Statement conclusions,Symmetry,Statement arguments
Syllogism,Blood relations related questions,Complex Arrangement,Series,Linear Arrangement,Coding and Decoding,Statements assumptions,Direction and Distance,Statements action,Visual Ability,Analytical Reasoning,Alphabet Test,Symbols and notations
Data interpretation
General Knowledge and Current Affairs has 30 questions from
Statistical data of the world,Natural calamities
,Prizes and awards,Inventions and discoveries,World organisations,Music,Sports,Earth Inventions and discoveries,Languages,Disasters,Solar System,Currencies,Famous personalities,Books and authors etc
Current events will be related to Persons,Awards
Economy,Science and Technology, Places
English Language has 60 questions from Sentence formation,Sentence Completion,Idioms and phrases
Rearrangement of sentence in paragraph and words in sentence, Analogies, Antonyms,Synonyms Fill in the blanks,Paragraph completion,Sentence improvement,Sentence Reconstruction,Paragraph formation,One word substitution,Sentence completion,Spelling mistakes,Vocabulary,English proficiency
Aptitude for Service Sector has 50 questions
For each correct answer four marks will be awarded while for every incorrect answer 1 mark will be deducted.
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