what is the difference between BE and Btech? which is better?
Dear Aspirants/Guardians
Difference between BE and Btech is that BE is focused on theory and Btech is technology based.
All the very best and good luck.

The only difference that matters is this:
"the B.Tech course is somewhat more practically intensive than the BE course which is more theoretical"
The difference (which is quite minor) between the two degrees can be understood from their names itself, Engineering Vs. Technology.
Engineering is a "science", dealing more with theoretical concepts & principles; technology deals more with the application of these theories for practical purposes. But, both B.E. & B.Tech courses offered by various engineering colleges/ institutes, have similar curriculum more or less. Both degrees are valued equally by prospective employers. What matters more is the reputation of the engineering college from where you obtain your B.E/ B.Tech degree.
* B.Tech is offered by government institutes and B.E. is offered by private institutes.
There is absolutely no truth in this. Institutes like Netaji Subash Institute of Technology, University of Mumbai (Department of Chemical Technology) which are government institutes offer a BE degree and there are many private institutes that offer a B.Tech degree
* No industrial training in BE or B.Tech
In both, BE and B.Tech, industrial training is compulsory after semester 6.
* B.Tech or BE is valued more than the other
Your performance matters more than your degree title. Neither is preferred over the other.
Hey R Naresh,
The course of B.E. is designed to cover whole theory and technology (mechanisms) of a system. Let it simply by an example: Suppose we are developing a satellite for xyz purpose. If you are a B.E. degree holder, then you should posses the theoretical domain expertise (with practical knowledge too) of various components used in it like ICs, conductor etc etc. But B.tech course mainly focus on practical training. Means you need not to (much) bother about the history of components used, only you need to be expert to choose the exact components with exact calculation, so that product can deliver efficiently it's purpose. In short, B.E. covers core theory and less practical knowledge, while B.Tech posses much practical knowledge with limited theoretical knowledge. Now a days, in industry, both B.E and B.tech considered as equal.
All the best!
Dear Naresh,
First of all it is a good question. Only difference between B.E and B.tech is that B.E is awarded by a college affilated with some university whereas B.tech is awarded by a deemed University.Some colleges award B.tech although they are not deemed. BE and B.tech are more or less have same syllabus. When IITs were started, to differentiate from normal BE, B.Tech is named.
Hope you found this helpful..!!
All the best...!!!