what is the difference between course bsc food science and quality control (self finance) and bsc food science and quality control (home science). please tell
Dear Kusum ,
Food Science and Quality Control is the study of all the technical aspects of food. Food science combines principles from disciplines like microbiology, biochemistry and chemical engineering. Subjects usually studied under this degree are Nutrition and Food Commodities, Food Chemistry, Food Microbiology, Sanitation & Hygiene, Preparation & Packaging Materials, Food Analysis Adulteration & testing, Food Toxicology, etc.
Whats the major difference between self finance and Home science !
Self Financing courses are courses for which Government or UGC financial aid is not provided and student has to bear the cost of study and mostly working students do this course and meet the expenses of study themselves. Self financing courses cost more than the regular courses but the curriculum remain the same .Only this is the major difference between this course and all everything's are similar .
Hope it will helpful