What is the difference between Electrical Engnieering and ECE?Which one is better?
The difference between electrical engineering and electronics engineering is, in general, a difference of scale. Classic electrical engineering deals mostly with electronics on a VERY small scale, such as integrated circuit design, PCB layout, that sort of thing. They also delve very deeply into electromagnetic interference, again because on a small scale a little interference can be a big problem. Electronics engineering tends to be a little more black box about the components they use. That is I have, say, an inductive sensor. I know how to wire it, what it does, what kind of output it gives, etc etc. What I may not know as an electronics engineer is HOW it does what it does. don't mean to sound like there's a shortfall to one over the other, in fact when you add up the similarities and differences you're pretty much looking at the same degree of difficulty in school and the same amount of technical knowledge when you graduate, just in different areas.
Hello Aman,
EEE: In EEE, students have to study Electrical as well as Electronics. It is the study and application of electrical systems for use in different environments and contains basic electronic courses and more power system.
ECE: Here, aspirants deal with Electronics with some part of communication. The subject uses the scientific knowledge of the behaviour and effects of electrons to develop devices, systems, or equipment that uses electricity as part of its driving force. Also it contains basics on electrical machines and more on integrated circuits and communication systems
I think EE is bit tougher than ECE so your descsion is your own descsion, choose wisely.
Thank you.