what is the difference between hospital management and healthcare management?
I will provide you with the basic distinguishing features of hospital & healthcare management-
Healthcare Management
Healthcare managers oversee business and operational aspects of a healthcare or medical facility, maintaining the financial integrity of the organization and supporting the industry’s economic infrastructure. They possess a deep understanding of the structural elements and administrative standards of the healthcare system. They are primarily business people and not typically medical practitioners.
Hospital Management
Hospital managers (https://www.floridatechonline.com/blog/healthcare-management/hospital-administrator-career-and-salary-profile/) must not only insure the same standards of quality care that govern all industry facilities, they must do so while navigating a highly unpredictable environment. Hospitals often accommodate various medical disciplines, particularly those in densely populated urban or suburban areas, employing numerous providers who require complex and expensive technology to perform intricate diagnostic, practical or surgical procedures. Without strong leadership and active managerial oversight, patient care can easily devolve into disorder. All healthcare managers must be decisive, able to problem-solve quickly and under duress, and must have superlative decision-making skills which are indispensable to hospital management.
Hope this helps,
All the best !