what is the difference between surface and ground water?
The difference in ground water and surface water is as follows:
Ground water is the water which is there underground in large aquifers and is extracted by using drilling deep wells or using motors or bore wells to dig out waters, whereas,
Surface waters is the water available in lakes, ponds and sea and used directly for various purposes and need not be extracted by any ways.
The ground water is available in sub-surface layer of the soil and it is to be extracted.
I hope this helps.
All the best!
Surface Water is the water found on the surface of the Earth. The various forms of surface water are lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, etc. The surface water lacks in minerals.
Ground water is the water located under the ground in a subsurface layer of rocks or soils. The ground water is very rich in minerals. The ground water is generally located in aquifers and can be taken out by drilling deep wells.
Best Wishes.
Hello Nikhil,
The groundwater is located underground in large aquifiers and can be pumped out of the ground after drilling a deep well.
Where as, surface water is found in rivers, lakes and streams and is drawn into the public water suppy by an intake.
Hope this answer helps.
Good Luck!
Surface water is the water that is available on land in the form of rivers, ocean, seas, lakes and ponds.
Groundwater is the underground water that seeps into the soil and is located in large aquifers under the ground. This water can be accessed by digging wells and using motors.
Hope this answer helps!
Difference between surface water and groundwater is given below:-
- Surface water is the water which is found on the surface of the earth such as in a river, lake or other surface cavities.
- It is usually not very high in mineral content.
- It is called as soft water due the presence of very less mineral content.
- Groundwater is water the contained in or by a subsurface layer of soil or rock.
- It commonly contains less contamination than surface water because the rock tends to act as a filter to remove some contaminants.
- It is called as hard water due the presence of high mineral content.