What is the eligibility criteria for getting a bsc biotechnology seat in mcc?
If you are asking about the eligibility criteria for admission to B.Sc Biotechnology in Mount Carmel College, a candidate who has passed the two years Pre-University Examinations conducted by the Karnataka Pre-University Education Board or any other equivalent examination shall be eligible for admission.
Admission is done on the basis of walk-in interview after the announcement of Results II PUC Results.
You can go through the link below to check the details-
If your query is about any other college/University, kindly mention the college name.
Good Luck!
Candidate must have at least 50% of marks in 10 and +12 in science stream( in aggregate ).
Students must have studied that subject or the revelent subject in 10 and +12 level .
Candiadte will be shortlisted for the interview round after the declaration of 10 and +12 result .