what is the exam date of ntse stage 1 in madhya pradesh and also send me the registration form pls🙏🙏🙏
Hii Suryansh,
Hope you are doing fine.
National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is an offline scholarship exam for class 10 students to encourage higher studies in the field of Science and Social science. All 10th standards students of Madhya Pradesh are eligible for NTSE MP stage 1 exam 2020-21. Students from open under 18 age are also eligible.
Last date to apply for NTSE 2021:
21st October 2021.
- As per official Notice “ No Application Fee is applicable for the eligible students of MP state”.
- " & No Negative Marking in this Exam”
Madhya Pradesh NTSE 2020 for Class X Stage 1 exam which was held on 13 Dec 2020. And the 2nd stage will be held this year. The first stage of MP NTSE 2022 will be conducted in December 2021.
Each state has it's seperate liaison officer for application submission as appointed by the ncert.
for MP: the officer is Tanuja Shrivastav, Controller (NTSE); Rajya Shiksha Kendra, PustakBhawan “B” Wing, Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011 (M.P.)
Official website link where you can get the application form:( here you'll get the application form pdf) but for 2020 2021,
(2021-2022 is not yet released)
go through the link below for more details:
Hope this clarified all your queries.
Best wishes ahead.
Hey there
Given below are the examination dates of NTSE.
- The stage 1 dates for Nagaland Mizoram Meghalaya and Andaman and Nicobar Islands is in December 2021.
- Daya stage 1 Exam dates for other states and union territories is also in December 2021.
- The stage 1 result will be uploaded between January to April 2022.