What is the exam pattern for NEET exam for dentist?
In the NEET exam, there will be 180 MCQs questions. Out of 180 MCQs, 90 MCQs will be asked from Biology, 45 MCQs from Physics and 45 MCQs from Chemistry. Right answer will give you 4 marks and wrong answer will give you -1 mark. So it is better to fill only known answers. In these MCQs, about 10% MCQs will be out of CBSE textbook.
The exam will be conducted in a pen and paper based format. NEET 2017 will consist of 180 questions from all the three subjects. Physics and Chemistry section will consist of 45 questions each, while, Biology section will comprise of 90 questions.
NEET 2017 question paper will be conducted in eight vernacular languages apart from English and Hindi. The vernacular languages are Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Oriya and Kannada. Candidates will get their question paper in language preferred during filling up the application form.
Each question in NEET 2017 question paper will consist of 4 marks. For each correct response, candidates will get 4 marks, whereas -1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect response.
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