what is the fee for BBA LLB per year?
The cost of a BBA LLB degree can change based on the area and the university or college you select. In India, the annual cost of a BBA LLB program can vary from
Rs50,000 to Rs3,00,000.
The following are typical price ranges according to the kind of institution:
Government Colleges: Annually, from rs50,000 and rs1,50,000.
Private colleges: annual tuition of 1,50,000 to 3,00,000 or more.
To find out the precise cost schedule, get in touch with the particular school that interest s you.
Hello aspirant,
In the five years of the integrated undergraduate BBA LLB Hons. curriculum, students earn both an honors-granting Bachelor of Legislative Law (LLB) degree and a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). As the Indian economy grows, there is a growing need for business lawyers with experience in corporate law, intellectual property law, and commercial law. This need is met by the BBA LLB (Hons.) programme, which produces well-rounded professionals by providing a comprehensive understanding of both business and legal elements. In order to help students prepare for their specific career aspirations, several universities now offer specialization options in areas like corporate law, mergers and acquisitions law, or competition law.
For more information you can visit our site by clicking on the link given below.
Thank you
The fee for BBA LLB can vary depending on the institution and location. However, here are some approximate fee ranges for BBA LLB programs in different types of institutions ¹:
· Private colleges: 1.5 lakh - 3.5 lakh per year
· Government colleges: 10,000 - 50,000 per year
· Top private law schools: 2 lakh - 8 lakh per year
hope this helps,
Thank you