what is the fee for Msc microbiology in Savitribai phule University pune?
Hi Bhavana!
According to the information available in fee brochure for SavitriBai Phule University, Pune for the academic session 2021-22, the tuition fee for MSc Microbiology was 13,500 Rupees and the laboratory fee was 28,600 Rupees.
** Total fee for MSc Microbiology = 13,500 + 28,600 = 42,100 Rupees.
## You can get the complete information here:
*** Also, for every session thereis a certain amount of fee increment. So, the fee must have been increased around 48,000 Rupees. But there is no certain information as the fee brochure for session 2022-23 has not been released yet.