What is the fee structure of DIAT for Mtech robotics?
Answer (1)
M.Tech in robotics is offered by Mechanical Department spinning in 4 semesters .
In first semester you have to take regular six subject s relevant to the course.
In second semester you have to take two compulsory subject along with four electives, out of four electives you have to opt for two department offered electives and remainingt two either from your department or any other department plus one subject from technology management department which teaches about IPR/Patent domain knowledge.
In summer break you will be offered to visit DRDO/ISRO or other labs across India to finalise you project work topic and collaboration with lab to work in next year. You may opt for a company for your project too.
In third semester you will start working on your project along with studying two subjects relevant to your project.
Fourth semester will be full project work.
For more information on subjects offered semester wise, refer to study guide available at Welcome to the Defense Institute of Advanced Technology Refer to new one as subjects keep changing time to time.
For placement some very big names from PSU's like Bharat dynamics ltd, Brahmos Aerospace etc visit Institute.
Fees :- Rs 1 - 5 Lakhs
In first semester you have to take regular six subject s relevant to the course.
In second semester you have to take two compulsory subject along with four electives, out of four electives you have to opt for two department offered electives and remainingt two either from your department or any other department plus one subject from technology management department which teaches about IPR/Patent domain knowledge.
In summer break you will be offered to visit DRDO/ISRO or other labs across India to finalise you project work topic and collaboration with lab to work in next year. You may opt for a company for your project too.
In third semester you will start working on your project along with studying two subjects relevant to your project.
Fourth semester will be full project work.
For more information on subjects offered semester wise, refer to study guide available at Welcome to the Defense Institute of Advanced Technology Refer to new one as subjects keep changing time to time.
For placement some very big names from PSU's like Bharat dynamics ltd, Brahmos Aerospace etc visit Institute.
Fees :- Rs 1 - 5 Lakhs
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