what is the fees for information technology in cvr college
The fee structure for Btech Information Technology in CVR college of engineering, Hyderabad is 3.82 lacs for all four years. The duration of the course is of 4 years, the course is offered by Jawaharlal Nehru technological University, Hyderabad, the basic eligibility criteria to get admission in the same is that the candidate must have passed 10+2 where Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are mandatory subjects.
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Hope this helps, all the best.
Hi Mudhireddy,
The CVR College of Engineering was established in 2000. It is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education and it is affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. the undergraduate level, B. Tech programmes are available for the areas of- Civil, Mechanical, Computer Science, Electronics & Instrumentation, Information Technology (IT), Electronics & Communication and Electrical & Electronics.
The fees for 4 year B.Tech course is Rs 3.82 lakhs.
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