What is the fees of bus for 1 month
The monthly fee for a school or college bus varies by institution and the academic year. Some schools and colleges may also charge a registration fee.
Examples of bus fees
- Vasanta College for Women, Varanasi
In the 2021-2022 academic year, the monthly bus fee was 475, plus a one-time membership fee of 2,000 rupees.
- Bodhisukha School
In the 2019-2020 academic year, the bus fee was charged for all 12 months, plus a registration fee of 100 rupees.
- Krishna Public School
In the 2023-2024 academic year, the bus fee was charged for 10 months in advance.
What to expect
- Schools and colleges may charge bus fees for the entire academic year, even if a student doesn't use the bus.
- Schools and colleges may require students to have a bus pass or card.
- Schools and colleges may withdraw bus service if students don't follow bus rules.
Hope it helps !!