What is the fees structure for Avalon business school, Visakhapatnam for MBA finance. And how to get an admission there?
Have you visited the website of this institute? There is no information available about the MBA Finance programme. List of AICTE
approved Institutes in `Management``PG``Unaided - Private ` for the
state Andhra Pradesh for the academic year: 2018-2019 doesn't contains Avalon Business School's name.
The information given on official page of
Avalon Business School
doesn't say that it offer any such programme. It offers only one course of 7 months duration. As course doesn't exist there is no question of Fee structure arises. So, if someone is advising to take admission there then staying away from that will be better option. I hope it helps!
Hi. the eligibility is : 50% in 10th, 12th and 50% in graduation from any recognised university.No, there is no any entrance exam. You can apply online by visiting the official website and filling the form. For fees, please contact the college itself.
Thank You!
Hi. the eligibility is : 50% in 10th, 12th and 50% in graduation from any recognised university.No, there is no any entrance exam. You can apply online by visiting the official website and filling the form. For fees, please contact the college itself.
Thank You!

Hi. the eligibility is : 50% in 10th, 12th and 50% in graduation from any recognised university.No, there is no any entrance exam. You can apply online by visiting the official website and filling the form. For fees, please contact the college itself.
Thank You!