What is the imp thing we should do while preparing for the exam and what should be our time management
"A man who dares to waste an hour of life has not discovered the value of life.” Definitely, time is the key to success
While in the years of education, time management is one of the most important things to give a start to your career. Once you reach your teenage, you must follow the route to effective time management.
Got confused with ‘to do’ and ‘what not to do?’ Which task to be put first on your priority list and which one to be put last?
- Set your priorities straight
- Making a ‘To-Do list’ every morning and then following it throughout the day would certainly prove out to be one of those things that would make you feel satisfied at the end of the day.
- Your brain needs rest to perform at its peak. If it’s time to sleep, list the things you still need to cover up on the next day’s to-do list and go to bed
- Bring technology into existence
- Breaks are acceptable
- Learning how to do a weekly review is one of the best time management habits for you to develop
Examine your weekly performance, be proud of your achievements and scold yourself for your mistakes. Remember, you are your best teacher.
Hi Nida,
Thanks for connecting with Careers360.
If you are preparing for MBA entrance exams for 2019, kindly focus on strategising carefully. You have a lot of time left from now. First, sit down with the syllabuses of all the exams and structure down the entire thing in 3 categories - Quants-Qualitative-Language. After doing this, based on your capability choose the toughest one and then follow ups. You have to repeat the entire syllabus thrice and the toughest one 4 times atleast before appearing for exams. Writing mocks is also very important. Don't wait for the entire thing to get over and then write the mock exams. Make sure to take mock exams twice every month from the very beginning. Studying for 4-6 hours a day from the beginning should be more than sufficient. Don't just take mocks, but spend time analysing them. For every 3 hours of mock 9 hours of analysis should be put in.
I hope it helps,
All the best,