what is the importance of land in the early medieval period?
Hello Sneha,
Here is information about Medieval Indian period in all aspects,
The early medieval period of Indian history may be seen as a transitional period wherein changes in almost all institutions and spheres of society viz. political, social, cultural as well as economy took place. In political sphere, due to the continuation as well as acceleration of land grants, the emergence of petty landed estates, the fragmentation or decentralization of political authority and the growth of lord-vassal relationship may be noticed as emerging new trends. In economic sphere, the decline of trade and commerce, decay of urban centres, paucity and irregular slow circulation of metallic money, the growing agrarian character of society and emergence of self-sufficient economy were the salient features of economy. In social sphere, the modification of var a system, proliferation of castes into hundreds of number and their rigidity were the most striking developments of this period. And if someone looks in terms of class context, the formation of two major classes, those of the landed aristocracy and a large body of subjected peasants may be noticed. In this phenomenon, the declining status of former Vaiyas and the rise of dras was a further development in early medieval India. In it the most striking development was the transformation of the servile dras into peasantry who thus got transferred into producers on massive scale. Among other developments, the growing regional identities in art, script, language and in religious sphere the construction of temples, the theory of incarnation, visit to holy places, concepts of pj, bhakt and tantr, etc. were significant developments
Hope you understand and got your answer.
Thank you.
All the best.