What is the meaning of TMA in nios board ?
Answer (1)
Dear Aspirant ,
Tutor Marked Assignments are helpful in enhancing the learning skills to make the student gain knowledge easily and be a meritorious student.
NIOS has developed several means and strategies to help the learners to learn well and be successful.
TMA is one such tool which plays a very important role in the learning process through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) System.
TMAs help learners to know their progress and attainment level and develop regular study habits.
They also help in designing diagnostic and remedial teaching strategy during Personal Contact Programmes (PCPs).
Hope this information helps you ,
Tutor Marked Assignments are helpful in enhancing the learning skills to make the student gain knowledge easily and be a meritorious student.
NIOS has developed several means and strategies to help the learners to learn well and be successful.
TMA is one such tool which plays a very important role in the learning process through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) System.
TMAs help learners to know their progress and attainment level and develop regular study habits.
They also help in designing diagnostic and remedial teaching strategy during Personal Contact Programmes (PCPs).
Hope this information helps you ,
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