what is the Mht-cet cutoff of YCCE 2019 for electronics and computer science branch?
As per previous year data, at the end of round 3 MHT CET cut off for Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur has been as follows;
Computer Technology;
- GOPENS;6940(96.7928710)
- GNT2S;26687(85.3776352)
- GSEBCS;50110(56.2187235)
- EWS;37387(74.7376578)
Electronics Engineering
- GOPENS;38975(72.7736217)
- GSCS;43685(66.3398101)
- GOBCS;46205(62.5598372)
For more details regarding this, visit our page at https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/mht-cet-cutoff