what is the name of the India first praimmnister
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Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru is the first prime minister of India .Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was an Indian independence activist and a central figure in Indian politics before and after independence, he was a man of vision. Having participated in the long struggle for freedom from the British, Nehru, fondly called Pandit Nehru, a reference to his Kashmiri Pandit community roots, was a firm believer in nation building, as he understood that the young Indian nation had a tryst with destiny. He was seen as a brave man, who fought chauvinists; as a selfless man, who had endured years in jail to win freedom; and above all as a visionary. His appeal cut across the conventionally opposed categories of low caste and high caste and was undoubtedly, the darling of the masses.
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