What is the pass mark for Dhse Kerala Plus One exam?
To pass the DHSE Kerala Plus One exam , you need to score a minimum of 30% in each subject and an overall aggregate of 30%.
To pass the dhse kerela plus one exam, candidates must get a minimum of 30% marks. Additionally, students must score 30% percent overall and also to pass that particular subject. Additionally exam is required for the students who gets overall 30% but fails to achieve 30% in particular subject.
To pass the DHSE Kerala Plus One (Class 11) examination, students must:
Achieve a minimum of 30% in each subject .
Secure an overall score of at least 30% across all subjects.
The grading system is as follows:
A+ : 180–200 marks
A : 160–179 marks
B+ : 140–159 marks
B : 120–139 marks
C+ : 100–119 marks (with a Theory Exam (TE) score ≥ 30% of TE maximum)
C : 80–99 marks (with a TE score ≥ 30% of TE maximum)
D+ : 60–79 marks (with a TE score ≥ 30% of TE maximum)
D : 40–59 marks or TE score < 30% of TE maximum
E : Total score below 40
Hope it helps !
In the Kerala DHSE Plus One (Class 11) examinations, students must achieve a minimum of 30% in each subject to pass. This means that out of a total of 100 marks per subject, a student needs to secure at least 30 marks. For subjects with both theoretical and practical components, students are required to pass both sections separately. Specifically, they must obtain at least 30% in the theory portion and 30% in the practical portion to pass the subject. This ensures that students demonstrate adequate understanding and proficiency in both aspects of the subject matter.
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