what is the payscale of academic level 10 to 12 assistant professor in ugc-aided private autonomous degree college in Mumbai
According to the UGC seventh Pay Commission Recommendations, University Grant Commission will deliver the assets to the UGC Approved Universities in the wake of getting it from the Ministry of Finance.
2. As per the UGC seventh Pay Commission, there are just three Designations in Universities and Colleges, to be specific Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor.
Though the Designations of Library and Physical Education Personnel at different levels in Universities and Colleges were not changed.
3. According to the UGC seventh Pay Commission Recommendations, the justified section pay (INR 37400-67000) for Lecturer Jobs was expanded to INR 1.31 Lacs.
4. The UGC Pay Revision of Assistant Professor Jobs under the Band Pay of INR 37400 to INR 67,000 with Grade Pay of INR 10,000 will be INR 1.44 Lacs.
5. The Professor's place in Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) would get the section pay of INR 1.82 Lacs.
6. According to UGC Pay Commission, the Principals of the Undergraduate Colleges will be paid comparable to the compensation of Associate teacher occupations. The Special Allowance for the Principals would be INR 2000 every month.
7. The Principals of Post Graduate Colleges will be paid comparable to the compensation of Professor Jobs and the exceptional stipend would be INR 3000 every month.
8. The Vice chancellors would be paid at the pace of INR 2.10 lacs though the Special Allowance will be energizing to INR 5000 every month.
9. The addition for Assistant Professor Salary, Associate Professor Salary, Professor Salary just as for Vice-chancellor pay would go from 22% to 28%.