what is the placement statistics of Electronics and Instrumentation branch of NIT, Rourkela
The placement stats for overall NIT Rourkela is good. However , Branch wise details is not provided by NIT Rourkela so in order to know about placement statistics of Electronics and Instrumentation branch, we have to ask for students of NIT Rourkela. As per details provided by students in various online forum, Around 70-80 percentage of students get placed from EI branch. The Highest package was around 21 Lakh this year while Average package hover in the range of 5-6 Lakh. The lowest package was in the range of 4 lakh. Overall , The placement for Electrical and Instrumentation branch is good in NIT Rourkela.
In order to know what colleges you could get from your JEE mains rank, use this tool: JEE Mains College Predictor
I hope this will answer your query.