What is the probability of admission in the colleges which are shown in the "good chances" category while using career360 upsee 2020 college predictor?
Hello Aspirant,
See College predictor tools made by Careers360 team just to give you an idea for the college which you can get on the basis of your percentage, it does not offers any assurity that you will get the predicted college for sure. Our College Predictor tools work on the latest year's cut-offs and as the cut-offs for this year for UPSEE has not released yet so you will get to know about the colleges on the basis of previous years cut-offs. We cannot provide assurity for your admission on the basis of previous years cut-offs because the cut-offs are bound to change evey year depending upon various factors such as number of students appearing for exam, number of candidates qualifying the exam and so on.
I hope this information helps you in clearing your doubts.
Good Luck!!