What is the process of ecet counselling this year 2018?how can attend web counselling and certificates verification ?
Procedure for web counselling:1) Candidates have to register online for the web based online counselling.
2)Candidates have to attend the counselling according to their rank. The different dates are divided for all ranks.
3)Candidates can select the institutions/stream according to their ranks in the merit list and verify the documents.
4)After verifying the original documents candidates have to pay the counselling fee and get a receipt. 5)Candidates will be provided with the registration numbers (user Id) and password to login to the website for web counselling.
6)After that candidates have to select the college from the Andhra Pradesh colleges list and submit it or freeze it.
7)Candidates will receive the allotment letter through SMS or email on the candidate’s registered email ID and mobile number.
8)Candidates with the allotment letter can visit the college for getting admission on the due date and time with original documents.