What is the process to attain the mock test of JEE advance conducted by IIT Kanpur?
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Hello Mahendra Shinde. Thanks for contacting Careers360 and we hope we will be able to answer your query.
An initiative has been taken by the conducting body of JEE Advanced 2018, IIT Kanpur to give mock tests of Advanced as the paper will be online this time. Please see here for attempting the mock tests:
- https://www.jeeadv.ac.in/MockTest.html
Now, select any one test. You will be taken to a login window. Just press the Sign In button and voila! You can start the test.
Hope this helps you and all the best!
As IIT Kanpur (Indian Institute of Technology) is the conducting authority of JEE Advanced 2018, Today, they declared JEE Advanced 2018 Mock test. JEE Aspirants can attempt mock test through the official website i.e. jeeadv.ac.in.
Solving the JEE Advanced paper's will help to know the exam difficult level and identify the high weightage topics.
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