What is the rank of Tamilnadu Dr.MGR University in terms of medical(MBBS).Is it a government or private ?Why I don't find this name in tamilnadu medical colleges list?Is it good? What about the fee structure for MBBS?What may be the required neet 2020 score to enter here?
Dr. MGR University is not a Medical College. It is a University to which all Medical Colleges and Allied Course Colleges of Tamilnadu are affiliated to. So ideally every State has a Health University to which all the Medical Colleges of that State are affiliated to. So all the Medical Colleges of Tamilnadu are affiliated to Dr. MGR University of Health Sciences. All the Semester level examinations and other regulatory affairs are authorised by the Health University. Each State has a particular University for the same reason. For example, it is NTRUHS for Andhra Pradesh, BabaFaridabad University for Punjab, RGUHS for Karnataka, etc.