what is the required minimum gate score in physics for phd admission in various iits in physics
Dear Dip
In order to get admission in IIT Delhi, the cut off is 400 for general category and 200 for OBC, SC and ST. For admission in IIT Madras, minimum rank should be around 657 for general category and 200 for OBC, SC and ST. For IIT Bombay, cutoff is around 743 for general category and 343 for SC, ST and OBC. For IIT Kharagpur, the closing rank is around 580 for general students and 300 for OBC, SC and ST. For II Guwahati, the closing rank is around 500 for general students and 100 for SC, ST and OBC. For IIT Patna, the cutoff GATE score is around 600 for general category and 200 for OBC, SC and ST.
Hence you must achieve a rank below 200 to get admission in top IITs.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes.
Dear aspirant !
Hope you are doing great ! To get iit physics for PhD you must need to score rank under 500 but new IITs can be give admission under rank 1000 ,so overall we can expect iit physics for PhD under rank 700 -800 approximately ,but for the PhD you need to give an interview which is also required .
If you want to know the exact marks you need to score then you may visit our link here we provide you ranks vs marks of gate!
https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/gate-marks-vs-rank .
Hope it helps you !!
Thanking you!
Have a great day!!
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