what is the scope for bsc hons ? can i go in research field after that?
Well the question that you have asked is very wide. It would have been better if you have specified the subject as well. But moving for the BSc Hons has a lot of scores a head like you can go forbut moving for the BSc Hons has a lot of scores a head like you can go for agriculture industry , geological survey departments , forestry , cosmetics and development, research and development , chemical industry, biotechnology industry , oil industry, research firms space research department , disease related research and many more .
Going for research field after BSc Hons is one of the best choices you can make.but you must have a masters and a PhD degree after this , as well as you must clear your net exam during your MSc.
You can start by doing small research under your College professors or can apply and register yourself to work under professors of other colleges as well for research so that you can know about your interest in it.
I hope I was helpful
All the best

Hii Navdeep,
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc) or B.S. is one of the most popular academic degree courses among the science students after class 12th. The B. Sc degree course is a graduate degree course in science, this can be a part-time or full-time course. This course forms the basis of science and comprises of the subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, zoology and mathematics.
After the completion of the B. Sc degree there are various options available for the science students, they can go for master degree in Science i.e. M. Sc, go in a research area and can even look for professional job oriented courses. Often, in some reputed universities or colleges in India and abroad the students are recruited directly by big MNC’s after their completion of the course.