what is the scope of mbbs in coming 10 years........will artificial intelligence robots take over doctor, law,it professional?
Hi Darshan Singh,
Machines can be better but with time but never best. Humans will always have command over the machines and in the field of Medicine, they can only assist the doctor but never repalce them.
Mschines are used in medical profession for the benefit of patients only. They involve minimal invasion and can be operted easily. Although machine can be used in process but the process can never be decided by machines,
Hope this might helps you.
All the best.

We cannot have machines which are not monitored by humans.
Humans have created machines to make their wok easy not to replace them.
Yes robotic surgery is gaining importance but you should remember that without a human operating it, it is just a piece of iron which is of no use.
As long as man prevails, doctors will have value. MBBS is one such profession which doesn't have to fear recession either. No matter where you are, if you're a doctor you would be useful to the society.
It's an eternal profession which cannot be replaced.
Hope this answers your question.
No human brain will lead every technology.Now days and for future Human will create best of the technical equipment to save the human life or treat them.
Same as for every sector for better result and record the data.
All the Best