what is the subject combination for 4 years BTech in CS course?
Answer (1)
First year is mainly same for all branches. All the listed subject divided into two semesters.
This depends on your college which they're going to teach. It may vary from college to college.
First year is mainly same for all branches. All the listed subject divided into two semesters.
- Engineering physics
- Engineering mathematics -1
- Engineering mathematics- 2
- Engineering chemistry
- Basic of electrical and electronics engineering
- Communication theory
- Workshop practice
- Soft skills
- Programming with C
- Basic of mechanical engineering
This depends on your college which they're going to teach. It may vary from college to college.
- Data Structures
- Computer networks
- Computer architecture
- Computer organisations
- Theory of computation
- Numerical methods
- Mathematics
- Electronic
- Communication and language lab practice
- Probability and random variables
- Discrete maths
- Operating system
- Database management system
- Object orientated programming (java)
- Programming with C++
- Microprocessors and microcontrollers
- Economics for engineers
- Aptitude
- Design and analysis of algorithms
- Dot net technology
- Principles of management
- Computer graphics
- Cryptography and network security
- Advance RDBMS
- Distributed computing
- Artificial intelligence
- Data warehousing and mining
- Real time system
- Business intelligence
- Aptitude
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