what is the syllabus for upsc,ias exam
UPSC IAS is one of the exams which has a very detailed syllabus. As the exam is conducted for both prelims and mains exam, the syllabus of both the stages is different. The preliminary exam consists of two compulsory papers - paper I and II of 200 marks each while the mains consists of paper A, B, I, II, II, IV, V, VI, and VII. To know more about UPSC IAS syllabus 2020, click here - UPSC IAS Syllabus 2020.
IAS Exam is conducted in 3 successive stages- Prelims, Main and Interview test. The prelims stage is an objective test of 400 marks whereas Main is subjective paper of 1750 marks followed by personality test of 275 marks. IAS Prelims is qualifying in nature while performance in main and interview round determine the merit of successful candidates.
I will share a link of detailed and in depth syllabus of UPSC IAS exams ,if you get any problem I will help you
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