Syllabus for HITSEEE
Physics -
1) Physics and measurement
2) Laws of motion
3) Kinematics
4) Gravitation
5) Rotational motion
6) Thermodynamics
7) Properties of solids and liquids.
8) Kinetic theory of gasses
9) Oscillations and Wave
10) Optics
11) Current electricity
12) Communication system
13) Atoms and Nuclei
Mathematics -
1) Sets, Relations and Functions
2) Complex numbers and Quadratic equation.
3) Mathematical induction
4) Permutation and Combination
5) Matrices and Determinants
6) Sequence and series
7) Limit, Continuity and Differentiability
B.Tech/B.Arch Admissions OPEN
8) Integral calculus
9) Co-ordinate geometry
10) Differential equation
11) Three dimensional geometry
12) Vector algebra
13) Trigonometry
Chemistry -
1) Some basic concepts of Chemistry
2) States of matter (solid, liquid and gas)
3) Atomic structure
4) Chemical bonding and Molecular structure (ionic, covalent and quantum mechanical approach)
5) Chemical thermodynamics
6) Solutions
7) Equilibrium
8) Redox reaction
9) Electrochemistry
10) Surface chemistry
11) Environment chemistry
12) Hydrogen
13) D and F block elements
14) S Block elements ( Alkali, alkaline earth metals)
15) P block elements ( 13-18)
16) Alcohols, phenols and ether
17) Polymers
18) Organic compound containing Nitrogen
19) Chemistry in everyday life
These are the chapters. ALL THE BEST. Hope the answer was helpful.
Thank You
HITSEEE 2021 syllabus comprises of three sections
Subject wise syllabus for HITSEEE 2021 is mentioned below
Semiconductor devices and their applications
Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Electromagnetic waves and wave optics
Magnetism and Magnetic effects of electric current
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Current Electricity
Alcohols and Ethers
Atomic Structure
Carbonyl compounds
Isomerism inorganic compounds
Chemical equilibrium
Chemical kinetics
P, D and F block elements
Organic nitrogen compounds
Coordination chemistry and solid state chemistry
Carboxylic acids and their derivatives
Differential equations
Discrete mathematics
Complex numbers
Analytical geometry of three dimensions
Vector algebra
Probability Distributions
Application of matrices and determinants
Integral calculus and its application
For more information about this exam please check out the link mentioned below
Hope this will help you,
All the very best !!
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