What is the total fee of bits pilani ?
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Hello Dear
The total fee structure of BITS Pilani is about to 2.90 LPA and including all the fee scenario like your Hostel expenditure, Mess fee and the tution fee your fee structure will be like 1.5 LPA of your semester. There will also with be some other expenses fee for some club / Union , books expenditure etc but it won't be as much . It will be nominal only , for more details regarding the fee structure of the BITS Pilani premises you are requested to visit the link which is given below.
All the best
The total fee structure of BITS Pilani is about to 2.90 LPA and including all the fee scenario like your Hostel expenditure, Mess fee and the tution fee your fee structure will be like 1.5 LPA of your semester. There will also with be some other expenses fee for some club / Union , books expenditure etc but it won't be as much . It will be nominal only , for more details regarding the fee structure of the BITS Pilani premises you are requested to visit the link which is given below.
All the best
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