what score in cat will take me to fms, my 10th 12th and graduation scores are 8.3 ,80%and 55%respectively and i have no work exe also.
Your academic is good except the graduation score.
The FMS cutoff is used to shortlist candidates based on CAT percentile for group discussion and personal interview before admission. Generally, FMS cut off is around 97+ percentile in CAT. If you managed to get 97+ percentile in Cat than you might get call from FMS for GD and PI.
At the time of interview, the candidate's academics, work experience, personality and overall suitability is put to test. All these parameters carry due weightage, apart from the score in the CAT. So it is very important to remember that clearing the FMS Cut Off is not sufficient. The final merit list is based on the weightages of the following components of the selection process. They are mentioned as follows:
CAT Score- 60%
Class X Marks- 5%
Class XII Marks- 5%
Personal Interview- 15%
Group Discussion- 10%
Extempore- 5 %
Good luck.
- Eligibility Criteria
- Group Discussion and Personal Interview
- Final Selection
The basic eligibility criteria remains 50% aggregate for General Category in Graduation and 45% for Reserved Categories or equivalent CGPA from any recognised University. The percentiles in CAT are considered for the further rounds. In 2018, the weightage given for various sections of CAT have been as follows:
- QA: 30%
- DILR: 30%
- VARC: 40%
- Personal Interview: 15%
- CAT score: 60%
- Group Discussion: 10%
- Extempore: 5%
- 10th marks: 5%
- 12th marks: 5%
An additional 3 marks of the maximum aggregate will be added to the women candidates who have attended the Interview. Now with all this process, the cut offs is an important issue to be discussed. Previously FMS used to consider overall CAT score for shortlisting. However since the past 2 years, FMS has been giving sectional preference and weightage. VARC occupies the top position with 40% weightage. A Candidate with atleast 97 sectional weightage will be shortlisted at FMS. So it is important to focus more on VARC section while not leaving other sections.
Higher cut offs are due to the intensity of the competition at FMS, Delhi. Their placements speak for themselves. FMS, Delhi concluded 2018 placemebts with an average placement package of 22.60 Lakhs for Women Candidates. Out of a batch of 223 Students, 215 participated in Placements and all of them have been placed there by leaving FMS, Delhi at the top in 100% Placement Companies. Though 133 companies participated in Hiring process, 83 companies could make the recruitment offers.
May be this can help you prepare for VARC section:
In Verbal Ability session, command on your English, Grammar, Vocabulary, Understanding of the given paragraph are of more importance. Reading English NewsPaper will also help you in your preparation.
Preparation tips:
Read articles from time to time. Follow newspapers, magazines, and watch the news channels and browse the internet to keep yourself updated. You will need a lot of reading to help you in the comprehension section. You will need speed to help you in this section and you can achieve that only by thorough practise and reading. Take time to understand the question because most answers are interlinked.
Best books:
Verbal Ability by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay
Wiley English
Vocabulary Wheels
Verbal by Sujit Kumar
40 Reading Comprehension Passages by PT Education
A Student introduction to English Grammar by Rodney Huddleston and Geoffre K.Pullum
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