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If you are preparing for CAT then 20-30 percent of the preparation is done. XAT is considered more tough than CAT entrance.
Make your own time table or schedule plans and stick to it judiciously. Although the difficulty level each year has fluctuated extensively, clearing the cut offs is still very much viable, provided you follow optimum number of classes, practices from different sources and stay focused.
if you are appearing directly for XAT then start with knowing the entire syllabus, changes in the pattern and attempt previous year papers.
After that your next aim should be books, its not the quantity of books but the quality.
The key is to focus on sharpening the basis of each section. Having your basics clear would be the key to solve any type of questions, be it easy and direct or complex and sitter based.
Analyzing mocks is more important than giving ample of mocks.Read 2 to 3 articles a day on different Topics there are many good websites which gives a ample of stuff with different varieties of topics.
Some tips you can consider:
Surround yourself with positive people.
Actively participate in XAT or CAT forums.
MOCK TEST series is a mandatory.
All the best.
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