what should I do to crack neet plz help this poor guy to crack neet well I need some more information about what should the preparation ?
The last few days are crucial for revision. You should practice in such a way that exam goes smoothly. Since time is little, you should avoid starting new topics. Instead, you should revise what you have learnt, attempt many mock tests, sample papers and finally analyze each attempt.
In case of set backs like scoring low marks in the mock tests, it is crucial not to lose hope but to reanalyze and learn what needs to set it right. Make sure that you attempt mock tests exactly like you would attempt the actual exam. This will ensure that exam jitters go away and you will also develop time management skills as well as enough speed to complete the question paper within the given duration.
You can also enroll for the NEET Rank Booster for an effective preparation and to score good in the exam and get seat in any decent medical college-
Good Luck!
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NEET is an entrance examination to get admission in Medical Courses in institutes across India.
NEET examination consists of three papers :- Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The total marks of the paper is 720 out of which 360 marks are for Biology and 360 marks are for Physics and Chemistry both.
45 Questions of Physics for 180 marks. 45 Questions of Chemistry for 180 marks and 90 Questions of Biology for 360 marks.
Duration of the examination is 3 hours.
Marking Scheme :- For each correct answer, the candidate will be awarded 4 marks; if an answer is wrong, then 1 mark will be deducted.
Preparation Tips :-
The preparation must be done in a disciplined manner and concentrated way. Make a timetable and follow it everyday. Make syllabus completion goals and complete them. Cut the little distractions from the way. These distractions actually take up all the time and the days are hence wasted. Wake up early and start with meditation. It boosts the confidence level. The subject which you find difficult study it in the early morning itself. Take 10-15 mins between study. Make sure that breaks are not extended too much that whole day is wasted.
For Physics :-
In Physics, understanding the basics is very very important. Riding in any vechile on road and experiencing centrifugal force while turning and understanding it is very interesting. If basics concepts are cleared then every numerical can be solved. Of course, the advance concepts are also required but be thorough with the basics.
For Chemistry :-
In Chemistry, there are many different types of reactions. From preparation of any compound, to it's properties the reactions are many. So it becomes difficult to remember. I suggest you to write each reaction atleast 5 times everyday and go on further to the difficult ones. Make sure to be thorough with basic reactions as well because in examination various step reactions can be asked and there these basic reactions are useful.
For Biology :-
In Biology, there are many diagrams. Practice them as they also come in examination. Highlight the important points with different colour pens to revise them faster later.
General Tips :-
Now after finishing every chapter solve MCQs of that chapter. Prepare a separate book in which there will be formulas of each chapter and also note down any tricks that you find while solving any MCQ.
Last but not the least practice past year papers. Past year papers actually help to know as to how the questions come in examination.
If you want to know about books or have any other query feel free to ask in the comment section down below.
Hello aspirant.
Some of the tips to crack NEET are-
Biology is having more weightage in NEET, you need to prepare very well in biology. Read entire NCERT textbook of class 11 and 12 , once you complete every chapter solve Multiple choice questions (As much as possible) . Don't neglect differentiate type of questions .
For chemistry and physics after every chapter solve more numericals. As much as you solve numericals you will become perfect in topic and you can attempt all the questions.
All the best.
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