what to study after completing b.tech biotechnology
Answer (1)
Dear aspirant,
I hope it helps. ScopeofBiotechnologyforBTechstudents:AfteraBTechdegree, students can find jobs in pharmaceutical companies, research labs and institutions in India. However, most Indian students tend to go abroad to pursue their masters or doctorate studies inBiotechnologyand allied fields.
Biotechnology engineeringis the study, research and development of bio-organism, micro-organism and cell functions in living beings. The course combinesengineeringwith other subjects like chemistry, genetics, bio-chemistry and microbiology.
You can visit the following link for more information:
Best of luck!
I hope it helps. ScopeofBiotechnologyforBTechstudents:AfteraBTechdegree, students can find jobs in pharmaceutical companies, research labs and institutions in India. However, most Indian students tend to go abroad to pursue their masters or doctorate studies inBiotechnologyand allied fields.
Biotechnology engineeringis the study, research and development of bio-organism, micro-organism and cell functions in living beings. The course combinesengineeringwith other subjects like chemistry, genetics, bio-chemistry and microbiology.
You can visit the following link for more information:
Best of luck!
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