what was the cut off marks and rank for neet 2019 at Seth G. S. mumbai? Maharashtra domicile. Gen category girl.
Antara, we do not have 2019 data yet. Neverthless, in 2018 under State Quota, 544 marks secured a seat in Grant Medical College under General Category. Now as mentioned, this is 2018 and cut offs change every year depending on various factors such as no.of Candidates appearing for the exam, no.of Candidates qualified, top NEET score and difficulty of the exam. Now in 2019, the individual cut offs increased by 60-75 marks. So you should aim for atleast 600 and above if you want to secure a seat in this college in NEET 2020.
Seth GS Medical College which is located in parel in central mumbai has 180 seats for MBBS admission.I t is an private Medical college.In the year 2018 the cut off was 2 - 193 for MBBS.You have to score 50% marks to qualify NEET exam.
Hope you get it.All the best.