what will be the seat getting marks for veterinary in kcet 2020..pls answer after analysing question papers
The rank is calculated on the basis of CET marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, along with your board examination marks. kcet score is taken and 50 percent of 12th grade marks are taken and rank is calculated by adding the 2.
If you get a rank of around 1.7 k -1.8k , you are sure to get a seat in BVSc. So, considering that you have scored around 94–95% in puc, a 140+ in kcet should be a very safe score.
Good Luck.
Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) is an offline exam conducted for admission to the full-time Engineering, Technology, BPharma, DPharma, Agriculture courses (Farm Science) and Veterinary courses, in the various educational institutions in the state of Karnataka.
The Cutoff for veterinary courses depends upon the college chosen. Normally the cutoff will not exceed more than 360.
Good Luck.
The cutoff score to get a seat in veterinary college for unreserved category students depends on the state of domicile & choice of colleges.
But usually, it should not exceed more than 360 ie 50%.
The reason behind low cut off is quite clear that almost all of the students who appeared want to join Mbbs course, so the demand for veterinary is not that high.
Karnataka Common Entrance Exam ( Karnataka CET) conduct own entrance test (Karnataka CET Exam) every year for admission to Medical, Dental and Engineering Courses in Professional Colleges within the State of Karnataka. Non-Karnataka students (students not eligible to be considered in the Karnataka quota) cannot appear for the CET. They can only appear for the COMEDK examination.
The candidates who score above this cutoff will be included in the merit list.
General: 50%
General OPH: 45%
Karnataka CET Cutoff for OBC/SC/ST: 40%
The candidates have to score at least the above-specified marks to be included in the merit list.
Good luck
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