what will be the syllabus for msc( physics) sub. for cpet (common pg entrance test)2020, odisha, ?? can someone help me, pls.. ,in my preparation (pls, provide) !
the eligibility criteria for appearing in the masters course entrance test for msc in physics, candidates must secure aggregate of 45% score in bachelors degree. however the syllabus would be fully bachelors course wise and questions pattern would be mcq type. however there would total of 70 questions. The question will consist of 40 questions from Honours/Core papers and 30 questions from the same subject’s generic elective papers as per the OLD CBCS UG syllabus (2016-2019). in subject like Physics, 40 questions will be from the 14 core papers and 30 questions will be from the course content of Physics as elective subject.
however I would suggest you to study IIT jam questions as well as bhu pet previous years papers along with your text books.
hope it would help.