What would be better option for cse in Gla University mathura or abesit ghaziabad
Answer (1)
Both are average rated colleges for btech studies. You can refer to GLA university as it is a step ahead.
Check its ratings and reviews below for detailed info:
Link: GLA University Reviews
Good luck.
Check its ratings and reviews below for detailed info:
Link: GLA University Reviews
Good luck.
Comments (3)
But Mam if I take admission in abesit ghaziabad I can apply for 5th of upsee counciling and get better college in 5th round
If you have chosen float option then only you can select the college in next round.
I got a college abesit in round 4th counciling. And I want better college in fifth round through upsee in comparison to abesit. It is possible by only taking admission in abesit now. Does it correct decision to taking admission for sitting in fifth round only? Is it risky?